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4 Blood Tests That Are Must For Women To Keep Up The Good Health

In today’s fast-moving lifestyle, keeping track of overall physical well being is a must. Blood testing at regular intervals is one of the most important approaches to monitor physical health. This is because regular testing permits you to see how your body changes over the long haul and enable you to settle on educated choices about your wellbeing.

But how often it is recommended to get a routine blood test?

Doctors usually recommend getting these blood tests done once a year. But this is not the same for every individual. Numerous other reasons listed below make it necessary to get blood tests done at frequent intervals –

  • In case you are experiencing any unusual or persistent symptoms
  • For optimizing your health
  • For reducing the risk of certain diseases

At the point when your doctor recommends blood tests during the normal checkups, the objective is to figure out how well your body is functioning and to analyze sicknesses, for example, diabetes or coronary illness that probably won't have evident indications. A blood test resembles a check, uncovering proportions of illness inside your body.

You may have quite a few distinctive blood tests during normal health check-ups; however, there are four blood tests specifically necessary to decide the condition of your wellbeing.

(1) Blood Sugar Test – This is done to measure the glucose/sugar level in the blood. If the blood sugar level is on the higher side, it basically shows that either the body is not using insulin effectively or the body is not making enough insulin. In both these conditions, it is a must to keep a regular check on the blood sugar level as it indicates that you might have diabetes or pre-diabetes. It is done by calculating the average blood sugar over the last three months.

Normal blood sugar range is below 100 mg/dL on a blood sugar test and an HbA1C of less than 5.7%. Changing the lifestyle & eating a healthy diet helps greatly in cutting the risk of diabetes.

(2) Lipid Panel – This test is carried out to check the level of unhealthy cholesterol & triglycerides. It is an important test helpful in assessing the risk of heart diseases. Usually, women suffer more from high cholesterol levels as compared to men. People who are at an increased risk of cardiac disease or suffer from diabetes should get this test done once a year.

To control the increase in bad cholesterol levels, it is a must to limit unhealthy fats and include foods like nuts, oatmeal & vegetable oils, fish etc in daily diet which will work best in reducing the chances of suffering from diseases.

(3) Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and T4 Test – The thyroid, a gland present in our neck is mainly responsible for producing the hormones that regulate metabolism. Women are at a higher risk of suffering from underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) or overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism). This test is carried out specifically to measure the hormone levels & to ensure proper working of the thyroid.

TSH of 0.4 to 4.0 mIU/L and T4 of 4.5 to 11.2 (mcg/dL is considered normal. For treating hypothyroidism, doctors usually recommend synthetic thyroid hormone to be taken daily by mouth. And in case of Hyperthyroidism, radioactive iodine, anti-thyroid medicine, or surgery are usually suggested.

(4) Vitamin D (25 hydroxyvitamin D) Test – This specific test is carried out to determine the levels of Vitamin D in the blood. Being essential for bone strength & proper functioning of the body, Vitamin D deficiency becomes a common problem with the growing of age.

Vitamin D level that is greater than 30ng/mL is considered normal. Based on age, diet, daily routine, & exposure to the sun, a doctor usually recommends how often it is necessary to get this test done. Eating food rich in Vitamin D such as dairy and fortified orange juice works well in such conditions. In some cases, Vitamin D supplements are also suggested.

40’s are a great time to assess your present wellbeing status & to prepare the body for many more years of life. Routine checkups by the doctor can help by checking you for issues that can rob your wellbeing. As blood tests are like a snapshot of your overall health, it is a must to give yourself the gift of good health by scheduling a visit to the doctor & get these important tests done.


  1. Suhana Rai says:

    Yes, I have already heard about these tests and all are important for women.

    Sameer says:

    Helpful content for those who do not know what is good for their health.

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