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Understanding Everything About Commonly Prescribed Lab Tests

Regular lab tests are essential to keep track of your overall physical wellbeing. Getting tested at regular intervals helps appropriately assess how the body changes over time and empowers people to make informed decisions about health. But many times, understanding these test results becomes a bit difficult. This is mainly because the lab reports are filled with abbreviations, unfamiliar terms, and lots of numbers. So here we have come up with a quick guide to help you understand everything about these commonly prescribed lab tests and what does the result means?

(1) Complete Blood Count – This test, also called a CBC, is the most well-known lab test performed. It estimates the types and quantities of cells in the blood, including red and white blood cells and platelets. During these COVID pandemic times, online blood sample collection & at-home lab tests have become popular to determine general wellbeing, screen for any health disorders, and assess nutritional status. In addition, it can assist with evaluating conditions like weakness, fatigue, and bruising and can help analyze conditions such as anemia, leukemia, malaria, and infection.

(2) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel – This test combines the Basic Metabolic Panel with six additional tests for a more detailed assessment of metabolic capacities, emphasizing organ systems.

(i) Lipid Profile Test: It is a combination of tests used to assess cardiovascular risks. It incorporates cholesterol and fatty substance levels. 

(ii) Liver Panel: The liver panel is a combination of tests used to evaluate liver function and identify the conceivable presence of liver tumors. This test is done to check the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol.

(iii) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: This test screen is recommended to assess the function of the thyroid. The thyroid is a tiny gland in the neck that helps in regulating bodily functions like your mood, energy level, and overall metabolism. Abnormal results of these hormones indicate low protein levels, thyroid growth disorders, and abnormal testosterone or estrogen levels.

(iv) Hemoglobin A1C: This test is prescribed to analyze and monitor diabetes.

(v) Urinalysis: Regularly, the principal lab test played out; this is a comprehensive screening test used to check for early indications of sickness. It might likewise be utilized to screen diabetes or kidney illness.

(vi) Culture Test: Cultures are usually prescribed to diagnose the risk of infections, and diseases like pneumonia, urinary tract infections, strep throat, and meningitis can be recognized and tested for proper antibiotic treatment.

(3) Sexually Transmitted Disease Test – Blood tests can analyze many sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). These tests are regularly combined with urine tests or swabs of infected tissue for more accurate analyses. The following STIs can be diagnosed with lab tests:-

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Herpes
  • HIV
  • Syphilis

Blood tests aren't consistently precise after contracting a disease. For an HIV disease, for example, you might have to wait for at least a month for a blood test to identify the infection.

(4) C-Reactive Protein Test – C-reactive protein (CRP) is made by the liver when tissues in the body are swollen. High CRP levels show irritation from an assortment of causes, including:

  • bacterial or viral infection
  • immune system illnesses, such as Lupus or rheumatoid arthritis
  • diabetes-related inflammation
  • inflammation caused by physical injury or habits like smoking
  • cancer

If you are experiencing some concerning symptoms of any illness, it is suggested to visit the doctor immediately. They will conduct a physical examination and will prescribe the necessary test. In case you are making an online booking for a blood test just for routine health assessment, the most common ones to consider are:

  • basic metabolic panel
  • complete blood count (CBC)
  • nutrient tests for levels of vital nutrients, such as iron or B vitamins
  • thyroid panel

Blood tests can offer a decent depiction of your general well-being. They're also an excellent way to diagnose sickness or infection early and perceive how well your body reacts to treatments for different conditions.

Many individuals get routine blood tests once every year. Trulabs offers the best diagnostic care and at-home lab test services for you people that they may need to ensure optimal health. Visit us today to book your lab tests with us online.


  1. Rohit Patel says:

    Excellent guide on standard lab tests. It also covers the meaning of lab test results.

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