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Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Causes, Precautions & Treatment

Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease common in tropical and subtropical countries around the world. This is because the climatic conditions of these countries are very favourable for the development and survival of mosquitoes that carry the dengue virus. 

For example, in India, dengue cases peak after the monsoon. In the 1950s, severe Dengue was first reported in the Philippines and Thailand but has now spread to most of Asia and Latin America. People from other countries also develop this craze if they travel to tropical areas. As a result, dengue cases have increased drastically around the world in recent decades. 

What are the causes of dengue fever? 

Dengue is mainly caused by the dengue virus, transmitted in the human body by an infectious bite of Aedes aegypti, a female mosquito of the species. 

Aedes aegypti is native to Africa but is now found in tropical regions worldwide. Experts explain the four serotypes of the dengue virus; DEN 1, DEN 2, DEN 3 and DEN 4. 

Mosquitoes are diurnal breeders, which means they are more active after sunrise and before sunset, so special attention is needed during the period—this paragraph. 

Mosquitoes cause mild and severe dengue fever. However, only 1 out of 20 people develop severe Dengue, but doctors advise against missing any chance of a diagnosis. Newborns, pregnant women, and people who have had dengue fever in the past are at increased risk for severe Dengue. 

Although Dengue can occur in rural and urban areas, studies have shown that it is more common in rural areas. That is why the governments of the affected countries have now started educating their rural populations about the disease. 

What are the symptoms of Dengue? 

It's a flu-like illness that affects everyone; infants, children and adults. Symptoms usually appear three to 14 days after infection of the body. People often have two types of symptoms; gentle and strict. Sometimes mild symptoms are mistaken for viral fever and can be life-threatening if the tests are not done on time. People are advised to consult health specialists and doctors if they develop a fever and other related symptoms. People living in areas other than the tropics and subtropics should also consult a doctor.

Symptoms of Dengue can be seen between three and seven days and are as follows: 

  •  Headache 
  •  Pain behind the eyes 
  •  Pain in  joints, muscles and bones 
  •  Swollen glands 
  •  Nausea and vomiting 

While, if the condition has not stabilized even after that a week of rest and reduction of fever, then it can progress to severe dengue fever or dengue shock syndrome. Sometimes the fever can go away because of the medicine, but it doesn't go away. The patient's blood pressure can damage blood vessels. 

Symptoms that are considered warning signs are: 

  •  A sudden and rapid drop in platelet count 
  •  Severe pain in the abdomen 
  •  Persistent vomiting 
  •  Shortness of breath or rapid breathing 
  •  Cold or rough skin 
  •  Feeling very tired 
  •  Irritability and agitation 
  •  Traces of blood in urine, stool or vomit 
  •  Bleeding under the skin that often looks like a bruise

What is the treatment for Dengue? 

There is no specific drug or medicine for Dengue. However, patients with Dengue are treated with acetaminophen (or paracetamol) to counteract the effects of the fever. When Dengue becomes severe, it can damage the lungs, liver, and heart. 

A sudden drop in blood pressure can even lead to shock or death. It is for this reason that doctors immediately refer patients to hospitalization. This helps to monitor patients' health around the clock. 

In addition, he consumes plenty of fluids and complete rest for as long as needed are other things that aid in recovery from this disease. It can look like any other fever, but it can be fatal if not diagnosed in time. 

The tropical regions of the world most affected by dengue fever are: 

  •  Southeast Asia 
  •  Southern China 
  •  The Indian Subcontinent 
  •  The Pacific Islands 
  •  Taiwan 
  •  Mexico 
  •  Africa 
  •  The Caribbean, except for Cuba and the Cayman Islands 
  •  Central and South America except for China, Paraguay and Argentina 
  •  Precautions against dengue fever 

Since there is no cure available for dengue fever; Preventive measures can help reduce the risk of developing this disease: 

  • Doctors often advise parents to use mosquito repellent on children when playing outside. 
  • In the early evening or dawn, most people get bitten and therefore try to stay indoors. 
  • Children must wear long clothes and shoes when playing on the floor. 
  • Using air conditioning in enclosed spaces also keeps mosquitoes at bay. 
  • Avoid using strong scents, as mosquitoes are attracted to the strong scent. In addition, standing water should be checked and removed from anywhere in and around the house as it's a breeding ground. 

Cost of the dengue test 

In most cities, the price of the dengue test varies between 1100 and 2000, depending on the facilities, services and technology (manual, semi-automatic, fully automated) provided by the laboratory. 

The price is worth it, considering the long-term benefits you will get from it. 

So invest a little in your health now and start booking lab tests online for online diagnosis. Enjoy a healthy future!


  1. Akshat says:

    Nice blog on dengue. It covers all the useful information.

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